Teaming Partner

Our teaming partner is based between usually a large (non-minority) business and a certified (diversity) minority business. The objective of the teaming arrangement is to combined resources in order to meet the customer procurement requirements. The diversity membership base works with our Strategic partners and the Federal Government with their procurement and compliance requirements. This partnership covers a wide array of products and services. In addition, the teaming arrangement support services presented includes mentoring and coaching minority companies.  We are please to announce our agreement to team with a 2nd tier Management Consulting firm.

  The Adept Professionals  

(a 2nd Tier Managment Company)

Do you need any help for electrical maintenance?

We can meet your maintenance services need.  Just contact us for our free consultation services.

Our Team

27 January, 2021

Do you really need a Generator for power?

Are you prepared or ready for any change in the environment or weather?  When your power go out for a period of time, a generator can keep your househod or business to stay in full operations until the power is restored. 
